September 2005 Newsletter

Daniel Wright
What a talented young man.
Daniel Wright was with us for the day and spent the morning telling us about the many designs that can be used in pyrography. It was obvious that one needs to be artistic to make the most of this form of decorating your turning and he had several items to show us. He is not a turner so buys his items to burn from Janik Ltd. (I have noticed that Craft Supplies sell boxes, apples, bread boards and the like, mostly made from sycamore). Daniel suggested that as well as sycamore; lime, poplar and walnut are all good timbers to use or any close grained wood with the least change from hard to soft spots. He also went into the use of his choice of pyrography machine using wire tips as sold by Peter Child. He did say that the Janik machine was very good with a versatile range of detachable points available.
The afternoon, for those that stayed on, was a hands on session engraving anything that took your fancy onto key-ring tags. Danniel went round giving advice on heat settings and how much pressure to apply to achieve different degrees of light and dark.
He has published one book on the subject and I believe that another one is in the pipe line.
I took a few photos of the day and I hope that these will give an idea of the level of skill Daniel has reached and I am sure there are a few members who will have a go at emulating him.

I will not be at either of the next two meetings which is a shame because I am going to miss out on two good days.
We are back to woodturning with a bang having Jimmy Clews with us for the day on Saturday 10th September. Jimmy is well known on the demonstrating circuit and we have seen him when we were at Poolewood and he was always at the Poolewood shows.

Dave Reeks will be on the podium on the 8th of October doing what only Dave can do with very large logs. For some of the newer members who maybe don't know Dave, he is highly respected on the international scene and spends quite a lot of his time in America. He has designed tools for turning deep hollow vessels and on top of all that he is a member of our club.

Please make a note of these dates because there will not be a newsletter coming to you in either October or November. I will be back in time for the November meeting so I will see you all then. Enjoy the meetings with Jimmy and Dave and lets have lots of bums on seats!!
